Everyone drinks their coffee differently, but what makes the best coffee? Not the coffee beans, not the sugar, but the love that comes with it. And you can show that with the best crockery and a nice drawing in your coffee!
Of course we are no Monet or Vincent van Gogh either, but with this trick you can still make a nice drawing for visitors, colleagues or your loved one.
All you need is:
- Coffee with milk foam
- A toothpick
- Cinnamon
Pick a nice picture of what you would like to draw in your coffee, such as a bunny or a flower. But don't choose an overly complicated picture (unless you're up for the challenge). Then all you have to do is grab the toothpick, dip in the cinnamon and start drawing!
We at Melli Mello have some examples for you:

If you really want to take it to the next level: first make shapes with the milk foam!